
Search for a suitable player or mini PC for TrendVision, the new concept of Trend Werbesysteme GmbH. It is determined by massive ALL-IN-ONE systems. The look is an absolute highlight here: the shimmering stainless steel casing attracts everyone’s attention. The outdoor area of a golf course demands extreme stability and quality of the housing, because plastic balls traveling at approx. 250 km/h, heat or cold are not uncommon. These two properties are therefore the first and most important in quality control.

Product / Solution

A special version of the spo-book TURO GM45 brings the desired content to the 46” display in full sharpness. A constant connection to the system is guaranteed by the special W-LAN module.


Thanks to the early involvement, the ideal player could be developed, which fulfills all requirements and brings the functionalities of TrendVision to full advantage.