Skylake and Windows 7 – Is that possible?


With Skylake, the sixth generation of Intel i-processors, there are changes in the supported software: Windows 7 can no longer be installed just like that.

On PCs with Skylake CPUs, Windows 7 cannot be installed via a Windows CD as there is no driver support. Intel has removed support for eHCI (USB 2.0) in the chipset for these platforms and now only supports the new xHCI standard (USB 3.0). However, as the drivers for xHCI are not yet available in the Windows 7 installation media, the USB interfaces cannot be addressed.

What is xHCI and eHCI?

xHCI (eXtensible Host Controller Interface) is the specification of the new USB 3.0 interface and thus the successor to eHCI (enhanced Host Controller Interface), which defined the USB 2.0 standard. The xHCI module is located on the mainboard and controls the USB interfaces (3.0 and 2.0). If, as with the installation of Windows 7, the drivers for xHCI are missing, all USB ports (including USB 2.0) will not work. Accordingly, the mouse and keyboard connected via USB cannot be operated.

Extended support period

Microsoft originally limited the support period (provision of updates and security patches) for Windows 7 on Skylake systems until 2017. However, according to a recent announcement, this has now been extended until the end of 2020.

Windows 7 for spo-comm Mini-PCs with Skylake platform

spo-comm has found a solution to these difficulties and delivers its Skylake systems with pre-installed Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and Windows 7 Embedded on request. Each delivery includes a USB recovery medium for any necessary reinstallation (recovery process of a system in 5-10 minutes).

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