Flash memory, also known as semiconductor memory, is a non-volatile memory based on semiconductor chips. The exact name is Flash-EEPROM, as it was developed from EEPROM (stands for Electrical Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory). The storage of data is identical to EEPROM, but they are read, written, deleted or reprogrammed block by block in data blocks of 4, 8 or 16 kilobytes.
The flash memory is characterized above all by its fast response times and high data transfer rates, which is why it is also suitable for performance-heavy applications such as video editing or 3D. It is also efficient, shock-resistant, compact and contains no moving parts. In contrast to RAM (random access memory), flash retains data even after the power supply is switched off, which is why it is mainly used in SSDs, USB sticks, smartphones, cameras and memory cards.
We have already explained the difference between HDDs and SSDs in a knowledge article. More about flash memory and a detailed explanation of how it works can be found at Computerweekly.de and in the Elektronik Kompendium.
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