In which areas can Mini PCs be found?


Computers in general are usually automatically associated with pure office use. However, only very few people know that mini PCs are mainly found in other areas. In the following text, we would like to give you a brief insight into where spo-comm PC systems are used.

Digital Signage

Digital signage (DS for short) describes the reproduction of media content on screens, canvases, signs and much more. Times Square in New York is probably one of the best-known examples of digital advertising. With digital signage players, not only the size but also the performance of the mini PCs is extremely important. Not only are the solutions usually built directly into the displays, they often also have to be powerful enough to play 4K content on one or more screens.

spo-comm Digital Signage Player

Machine control

Whether milling machines, vehicle scales at the recycling center or automated storage systems. In industry, most of the machinery is linked to mini PCs either to record information for further processing or to output data for information utilization. Due to the usually harsh working environment (dust, sawdust, humid air, outdoor installations), passively cooled industrial PCs are a reliable partner.

Industrial PCs from spo-comm

Music player

No matter where you go shopping these days - supermarkets, car dealerships or clothes stores - you'll always be surrounded by appropriate and melodious music. Here too, who would have thought it, mini PCs serve as the basis for playing the songs. The longevity, energy efficiency and compact design of the PC systems are the main reasons for their use. A prime example of such a system is the spo-book WINDBOX II Quad (fanless).

Kiosk terminals

At the airport, train station, at the bank or at trade fairs. Every day we encounter kiosk systems, get information from them or work with them. Even if you have the feeling that you are working more with a display, the screens (mostly touch displays) conceal 24/7-capable mini PCs. The spo-comm system solutions not only provide the appropriate software to make the user happy, but must also be able to cool down to appropriate operating temperatures under the poor waste heat conditions of the stele.

Vehicle Computing

As the name suggests, vehicle computing refers to the use of mini PCs in vehicles of all kinds. These include ambulances, police cars, ships and public transportation.  All of these examples contain control units which in turn rely on the small vehicle PCs.

spo-comm Vehicle PCs

Retail trade

On the one hand, we encounter mini PCs in supermarkets in the area of digital signage (see above). On the other hand, they are also used at the checkouts. For example, scanners and screens are connected to the embedded PCs, which are usually passively cooled, and thus form the usual working environment.

Logistics and production

Mini PCs fulfill their purpose in several areas, especially in warehousing and production. As already mentioned above in machine control and information processing, but also for diagnosing sources of error, for example on the assembly line. It can happen that a conveyor belt stops running because something is jammed somewhere and prevents the belt from moving. The mini PC then ensures that the relevant software can do its work unhindered and errors can be rectified without delay. You can find a possible product solution for the logistics sector in our article hama and spo-comm - logistics made easy .

Office operation

Of course, mini PCs have not left their original purpose behind. More and more PC systems are also being used in offices. They are not only space-saving, but also considerably more energy-efficient than conventional desktop PCs. Passively cooled solutions also contribute to a quieter and more pleasant working atmosphere. Due to its technical specifications, the spo-book WINDBOX III Advanced, for example, is a popular product solution with our customers.

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