Your spo-comm Test Sample - in three simple steps

Business clients have the possibility to get test samples of our products. Therefore you need to have a user account and log into our online shop. This is free(*) and without any obligation.

After creating an account and logging in, you can request a test sample as easy as this in three simple steps:

  1. Go to your desired system via our “Product catalog”.
  2. Choose the configuration that fits your needs.
  3. Click on “Test Sample” on the right side (or upper right corner).

After finishing the process you will receive an automatic e-mail with all the relevant data. Our staff will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

(*) Test samples outside of Germany require a deposit only.

Basic conditions

Testing period:

  • A Test sample is made available to the customer for test purposes for a period of 30 days, from delivery – without charge.
  • In case of need, this period can be extended after consultation with us.


  • If your tests results are positive, you can simply keep the system and we will send you the invoice.
  • If the system will not return after this period it will be charged, if we did not receive any other information. Already charged test samples will not be accepted on return.
  • Returns are excluded after invoicing.
  • In case of invoicing, the amount stated in the order confirmation becomes due.

Returning your test sample:

  • The charge free return of test samples is possible to all test samples in perfect condition, without any optical or technical modification.
  • The system has to be returned in the original packaging.


  • In case of return, if the system or original packaging is damaged, if accessories or delivered components are missing, we reserve the right to charge a fee of minimum 20% of the total amount listed in the order confirmation.
  • If the test sample was delivered with a pre-installed operating system a lump-sum amount of 25,00 € ex. TVA will be charged, in case the test sample is not purchased.