Customizing by spo-comm – Your individual Mini-PC


True to the motto “Anyone can do normal”, spo-comm offers the option of customizing the housings of its own mini PCs. Whether color, logo branding or a completely customized housing.

What is customizing?

Customizing comes, who would have thought it, from the English word "to customize". The term is always used in the service sector when a product needs to be adapted to a customer's wishes. 

Customizing the Mini-PCs from spo-comm

As a manufacturer and developer, we can make changes and adaptations to our spo-comm Mini-PCs, the so-called spo-books, according to your wishes. You wish for your KUMO V a special color? You would like a logo on the housing of our  CORE 2  place? No matter what your individual mini PC should look like, we will customize it for you. Depending on the type and size of the project, it is also possible to develop a completely new product.

You can see how the cases can be customized in our cooperation with 3Monkeys, for example. The company logo has been placed on the housing.

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