Industrial PCs are technically designed to remain operational and powerful even at low or particularly high temperatures. In general, a distinction is made between two temperature ranges according to which the IPCs can be classified: One is the standard temperature range and the other is the extended temperature range.
If the hardware of an industrial computer is designed for an ambient temperature of 0ยฐ to +50ยฐ Celsius, this is referred to as the standard temperature range. Any computer that wants to call itself an industrial PC must at least meet this requirement.
By the way, did you know? At spo-comm, we like to refer to our IPCs as "mini PCs" due to their space-saving size. However all of the systems in our product range meet the requirements of an industrial PC.
The extended temperature range is when an industrial PC can withstand ambient temperatures from -20ยฐ to +70ยฐ Celsius. Are you wondering where an industrial computer with such low or high temperatures could be used? Two application examples:
With regard to low temperatures, the Alps are a possible location. Just like the scientists of the PMOD/WRC research team who specialize in climate modelling and have developed our RUGGED HM87 for cloud research. In the Alps, sub-zero temperatures are quickly reached and snow is not uncommon. Nevertheless, the RUGGED HM87 has been doing its job reliably for several years due to its outdoor-suitable properties.
And what about high temperatures of up to +70ยฐ Celsius? We also have an exemplary use case from the RUGGED family for this. A few years ago, our RUGGED HM87 set off into the desert in the style of Indiana Jones. He has been breathing new life into ATMs there ever since. In tropical temperatures and high humidity, however, burying your head in the sand is out of the question for the outdoor PC. Anyone who thinks that the finest sand dust at the latest could cost the RUGGED its collar is wrong. Thanks to the passive cooling system of the RUGGED family, the housings of the systems are completely sealed. Our new RUGGED PCs, such as the new RUGGED T1000, are of course just as robust as our RUGGED HM87 was!
Our latest RUGGED, the RUGGED T1000, not only impresses with its extended temperature range and robust housing, but also with much more - configure here:
Curious about industrial PCs? Click here for all industrial PCs from spo-comm:
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